Nurturing Family Safaris across Africa

Cultural safaris, Where do our cultural safaris take you?


Cultural safaris

While Africa’s wildlife often takes centre stage, her fascinating cultural heritage is as impressive and diverse as its natural one. For many of our safari guests, the chance to engage with Africa's people is both uplifting and humbling. For many, when reflecting back on their trip, these interactions are often the memorable element of their time spent in Africa.

The benefits of cultural itineraries work both ways. Socially responsible tourism can have very real benefits for communities, offering employment and other socio-economic opportunities which might otherwise not exist. Furthermore, when a community benefits directly from safari tourism, its members often become the most passionate protectors of wildlife and the environment.


Where do our cultural safaris take you?

Many of our itineraries organically include cultural interactions with local groups, communities, and tribespeople. Between game drives and other safari activities, there are opportunities to meet some of Africa’s indigenous groups. You can experience first hand the culture of the Masai and Samburu in Kenya, the red-hued Himba of Namibia, the Hadzabe hunter-gatherers of northern Tanzania, and the desert-adapted San of the Kalahari. These frank encounters help many guests to appreciate the unaffectedness of these ancient cultures and offer humbling insights into the huge challenges faced by so many people living in remote and often impoverished parts of Africa.

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Meet the people of Africa

Opportunities abound for families that wish to experience local cultures within the context of their African safari which doesn't reduce Africa's rich heritage to a contrived hotel show. The cultural interactions we initiate for our guests are honest, authentic, and mutually beneficial for the local communities.

Take a look at our selection of sustainable, community-empowering safaris. Whether you want to build a family trip around cultural engagement with Africa's people or simply ensure village visits and other community activities are part of your itinerary, we can help!

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