Nurturing Family Safaris across Africa
Safari Resources

Are safaris really safe?

You’ve probably heard stories, good and bad, about Africa and its wildlife from people who've visited before. But whatever ideas you might have, we hope our honest answers to some questions we often get can help you put aside any potential concerns about visiting our wonderful continent.

Is it safe for my family to visit Africa?

Because of what people hear in the news and from some unlucky visitors, the question of safety is the elephant in the room for many families considering a visit to Africa. So, is it actually safe to travel to Africa with your family? The straight answer to this question is a definite 'Yes'; it is safe to visit most African countries, especially if you take precautions, most of which require no more than a bit of common sense.

Which countries in Africa are safe to visit?

Aside from a handful of countries where there is ongoing conflict and civil unrest, most countries in Africa have Level 1 or Level 2 travel advisories. What this means is that visitors are encouraged to take moderate precautions at all times. All destinations we take guests are far from dangerous areas, and the vast majority of travellers return home having encountered no problems whatsoever. Rest assured we will never plan a family safari with you to a destination that isn't safe. For peace of mind, before booking any travel with us, we recommend you also check your government's travel advisory information for the specific country you plan to visit.

Is a safari safe?

Yes. Safaris are incredibly safe. While safari deaths are extremely rare, wildlife encounters anywhere in the world carry some degree of danger. Each year, millions of travellers go on safari in Africa, and on average, about one tourist may die as a result of an encounter with a wild animal. Thankfully, most of the associated risks are mitigated by having expert guides at camps and lodges who are well-trained in safety procedures. Of course, also important is that guests follow instructions from their guide as well as some basic rules for game drives to help ensure their well-being and that of the animals.